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The Real Ghost Stories

The Night My Dad Died 

Back in 2006 my dad was 54 when he became really ill

He was having hard time breathing and was beginning to see a doctor

After months of testing thinking it was pneumonia it really turned out to be cancer

When they determined it was cancer of the lungs they gave him 6 months to live

Further testing revealed that it had already spread to his brain and they knocked it down to 4 months to live and, he only lived for 3 more months. I was living in Midland MI at the time and was driving home to Roscommon MI every weekend

I just so happened to be up visiting the night my Dad passed away

When you are living with a loved one who has cancer it is very hard because you are just standing helplessly by watching them wither away

So this was my 3rd or 4th day up north so I decided that night we would get out and go visit some friends and take our minds off things

I said goodbye to my dad and told him I would see him in the morning, and he replied "I hope so". I regret leaving to this day but none the less we left

So my husband (boyfriend at the time) and I went out for a few hours to a friends who were having a bon fire

We stayed and I only had 1 beer and we drove home

By the time we arrived back at my parents' house it was 2 am

We were sleeping in the spare room of my parents' home where they kept their computer

When we entered the room to go to sleep the computer was off
